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     The 3rd CA-CDS Conference, held virtually in October 2020, was a multidisciplinary consensus conference that convened more than 100 thought leaders from the fields of child abuse pediatrics, child protective services, emergency medicine, information technology, medical informatics, nursing, pediatric emergency medicine, pediatrics, prehospital care, and pediatric trauma to discuss the current state of EHR-embedded child abuse clinical decision support. Stakeholders including parents of children who had been victims of abuse and adult survivors of abuse also participated. 

     The goal of the conference was to identify areas of consensus in the field and generate a research agenda to foster future research, innovation, and scholarship. The conference focused on the technological challenges related to developing, disseminating, and sustaining EHR-embedded CA-CDS. The consensus statement developed at the conference was published in 2022 (Suresh S, Barata I, Feldstein D, Heineman E, Lindberg DM, Bimber T, Gaines BA, Ross J, Kaplan D, Peterson A, Hoover LSW J, Escobar Jr. MA, Webber EC, Kanis J,Berger RP. Clinical decision support for child Abuse: Recommendations from a Consensus Conference. J Pediatr. 2022 doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.06.039).

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