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Below is a list of peer-reviewed publications related to EHR-embedded CA-CDS. If you have published or are aware of other publications, please click the button below.

Berger RP, Fromkin J, Herman B, Pierce MC, Saladino RA, Flom L, et al.  Validation of the Pittsburgh Infant Brain Injury Score for abusive head trauma.  Pediatrics. 2016 Jul;138(1):e20153756.  PMID: 27338699.


Berger, RP, Pierce, MC. (2024). Does Routine Screening for Child Abuse Decrease Subsequent Abuse? One Big Step Forward, Two Small Steps Back. Ann Emerg Med. 


Berger RP, Saladino RA, Fromkin J, Heineman E, Suresh S, McGinn T.  Development of an electronic medical record-based child physical abuse alert system. J American Medical Informatics Association. 2018 Feb 1;25(2):142-49.  PMID:  28641385.


Feldstein D, Barata I, McGinn T, Heineman E, Ross J, Kaplan D, et al. (2023) Disseminating child abuse clinical decision support among commercial electronic health records: Effects on clinical practice. JAMIA Open, 6(2), ooad022. 

Hanson RF, Zhu V, Are F, Espeleta H, Wallis E, Heider P, et al. Initial development of tools to identify child abuse and neglect in pediatric primary care, BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2023 Vol. 23 Issue 1


Krawiec C, Gerard S, Iriana S, Berger R, Levi B. (2020). What We Can Learn From Failure: An EHR-Based Child Protection Alert System. Child Maltreat 25(1): 61-69.


Lindberg DM, Peterson RA, Orsi-Hunt R, Chen PCB, Kille B, Rademacher JG, et al. Routine Emergency Department Screening to Decrease Subsequent Physical Abuse. (2024) Annals of Emergency Medicine. 


McGinn T, Feldstein DA, Barata I, Heineman E, Ross J, Kaplan D, et al. Dissemination of child abuse clinical decision support: Moving beyond a single electronic health record. Int J Med Inform. 2021 Mar;147:104349. Epub 2020 Dec 10. PMID: 33360791.


Rosenthal B, Skrbin J, Fromkin J, Heineman E, McGinn T, Richichi R, et al.  Integration of physical abuse clinical decision support at 2 general emergency departments.  J American Medical Informatics Association. 2019 Oct 1;26(10):1020-1029. Epub 2019 June 14. PMID: 31197358.


Rumball-Smith J, Fromkin J, Rosenthal B, Shane D, Skrbin J, Bimber T, et al.  Implementation of routine electronic health record-based child abuse screening in general emergency departments. Child Abuse Negl. 2018 Nov;85:58-67.  Epub 2018 Aug 28.  PMID: 30170921.


Shahi N, Meier M, Reppucci ML, Pickett KL, Phillips R, McLean M, et al. Effect of Routine Child Physical Abuse Screening Tool on Emergency Department Efficiency. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2024.


Shum M, Hsiao A, Teng W, Asnes A, Amrhein J, Tiyyagura G, Natural Language Processing - A Surveillance Stepping Stone to Identify Child Abuse, Acad Pediatr 2024 Vol. 24 Issue 1 Pages 92-96


Stilwell L, Golonka M, Ankoma-Sey K, Yancy M, Kaplan S, Terrell L, et al. (2022). Electronic Health Record Tools to Identify Child Maltreatment: Scoping Literature Review and Key Informant Interviews. Acad Pediatr 22(5): 718-728.


Suresh S, Barata I, Feldstein D, Heineman E, Lindberg DM, Bimber T, et al. (2023). Clinical Decision Support for Child Abuse: Recommendations from a Consensus Conference. J Pediatr. 252: 213-218 e215.

Suresh S, Heineman E, Meyer L, Richichi R, Conger S, Young S, et al.  Improved Detection of Child Maltreatment with Routine Screening in a Tertiary Care pediatric Hospital. J Pediatr. 2022;243:181-7.


Suresh S, Saladino RA, Fromkin J, Heineman E, McGinn T, Richichi R, et al.  Integration of physical abuse clinical decision support into the electronic health record at a tertiary care children’s hospital. J American Medical Informatics Association.  2018 Jul 1;25(7):833-40. PMID: 29659856.


Thomas A, Asnes A, Libby K, Hsiao A, Tiyyagura G, Developing and Testing the Usability of a Novel Child Abuse Clinical Decision Support System: Mixed Methods Study J Med Internet Res 2024 Vol. 26 Pages e51058





UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh

Division of Child Advocacy

Lawrenceville Medical Building 

4117 Penn Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15224

Pittsburgh, PA 15224

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